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Payments and Refunds

Student Payment Plan Information

所有学生都必须完成一份财务责任协议 onboarding in UR Student. 在此协议完成之前,学生无法注册课程.

Only students have access to sign up for the payment plan in UR Student; the sign up option is not available through the third-party login.

被录取的学生在一个学期的费用被评估后,可以在UR学生中注册付款计划. 登录后,学生将选择“财务”,然后选择“注册付款计划”.然后,优步学生将引导学生完成简单的注册过程. 请注意,分期付款必须由学生或授权的第三方发起, payments are not automatically charged to any bank account or payment card. 分期付款将在夜间自动更新,以反映费用或信贷(经济援助)的任何变化, waivers, payments).

Payment Plan Options

本科入学学生:每月付款选项,包括每个学期四个月付款. The payment due dates are 8/10, 9/10, 10/10, and 11/10 for the fall semester and 12/10, 1/10, 2/10, and 3/10 for the spring semester. 选择此计划时,每学期将向您的帐户收取25美元的行政费用.

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生入学学生:每月付款选项,包括每学期三个月付款. The payment due dates are 9/10, 10/10 and 11/10 for the fall semester and 2/10, 3/10 and 4/10 for the spring semester.

Note: 付款计划的分期付款数量取决于学生在UR学生中完成付款计划注册过程的时间. 如果在学生签署付款计划时,上述任何付款到期日已过,到期余额将除以剩余的分期付款数. 付款计划的签署只有当两个或更多的未来分期付款. Payment plans are not available to non-matriculated students.

Late Payments and Financial Holds

If full payment is not received by the due date, 大学将收取逾期金额1%的滞纳金.

逾期余额持有是对所有逾期余额为100美元或以上的账户进行的. 逾期未付的学生不允许注册下学期的课程, drop/add courses, or participate in housing lottery. 在学期末有欠款的学生可能会被退学. 所有上一年的结余必须在下一学年开始前全部付清. 提交被银行拒绝的支票或ACH付款的学生, 会被取消本学期的注册并被退学,除非及时作出可接受的安排.


Payments made by a third party (parent, guardian, etc.) should use the Third Party Login to access online payment options. 学生首先需要设置第三方付款,以授予UR学生账单支付权限. Third Party setup guidance is found on this reference card and video.


ACH via UR Student (U.S. Checking or Savings Account)

To use this option complete “Payment Elections” in UR Student using the guidance found here. Once you have completed the payment elections follow the steps found here to make payment.

Check or Money Order (including payments from 529 plans)

支票抬头是否应该是“澳门威尼斯人网上赌场”,并在支票上注明学生证号码. Payment must be in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. Postdated checks submitted cannot be held for deposit. A returned check charge of $20.如果银行不承兑支付学生账户的支票,将收取100美元的手续费.

Payments sent via U.S. Mail or Express Service should be addressed to:

University of Rochester
Office of the Bursar
330 Meliora Hall
PO Box 270037
Rochester,NY 14627

Flywire (International Students only)

To submit payment through our international payment partner Flywire, please review the information provided here.


Must be in U.S. 货币,只有在我们的信息窗口开放时才能亲自接受. Information window hours are available here.

Payment Card via UR Student

我们鼓励学生和第三方付款人使用上述付款选项,因为他们可以免费使用,除非付款失败并被退回. 用支付卡付款总是涉及额外的不可退还的服务费. 在决定通过支付卡付款之前,请阅读以下内容以了解更多信息.

As used here, “支付卡”被定义为包括Visa卡在内的信用卡或借记卡, MasterCard or Discover logo.

The University of Rochester has contracted with Transact Campus, Inc. to securely process online student account payments by payment card. 我们不接受通过邮件、电话或亲自付款的支付卡付款.

使用支付卡付款需支付额外的不可退还的服务费(请参阅下文的服务费费率). 服务费用将显示在屏幕上,并在付款时进行评估. The service fee is collected by Transact Campus, Inc.而不是澳门威尼斯人网上赌场,所以服务费不会记入你的学生账户. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场不收取服务费的任何部分,也不能免除它. You are responsible for paying the entire service fee. 您可以通过使用上述任何其他方法付款来避免服务费.

We only accept Visa, MasterCard or Discover payment cards.

If you pay by MasterCard or Discover, 一笔交易将显示在您的银行卡对账单上,用于支付总金额(学生账户付款加上服务费).

If you pay by Visa, 你的银行卡对账单上会出现两笔交易(一笔是学生账户付款,另一笔是服务费).

For tax purposes, keep your payment receipts. 不要依赖你的银行卡对账单,因为它们可能包含服务费.

我们将把多付的款项退还给支付卡帐户. We will not refund any portion of the service fee.

If your payment is denied, 请联系您的支付卡的客户服务,以确定拒绝的原因. 如果出于任何原因,您不确定支付卡支付是否成功, 请不要提交第二次付款,直到你已经确认,第一次尝试失败. 我们不能对多次提交的付款或可能因此而被评估的服务费负责.

Payments by payment card must be made online via UR Student (Third Party Payers log in here).



For tuition refunds* when dropping a class while remaining enrolled, please see the applicable schedule below:

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